Brooks Village site.
Join us for an exploration of housing, food, and environmental justice! This is a free family-friendly event!
What to Expect:
🔸Share your ideas
🔸Enjoy free food and family fun
🔸Participate in community arts & crafts
🔸Listen to a DJ
🔸Drop in at the Food Justice and Agrotechnology Workshop hosted by @thesilenttaskforce, The UW, and @urbanfoodssystem.
This 14.3-acre project, led by the Skyway Coalition and Homestead CLT, aims to create sustainable homeownership surrounded by green spaces. Some of our community-driven goals are:
🔸Housing: Equitable homeownership for BIPOC/Skyway Residents
🔸Play and Gathering Areas: Spaces for community cohesion
🔸Food Access: Community gardens and food initiatives
🔸Sustainable Jobs: Economic growth and employment
🔸Climate Resilience: Sustainable infrastructure and community health
🔸Youth Programming: Areas for recreation and youth engagement
🔸Green Space: 11 acres of grasslands, forest, and wetlands for public use
RSVP is not required but is very helpful for us to make sure we have enough food and snacks for everyon.
Event: Environmental Justice Gathering
Date: July 20
Time: Noon - 5 PM
Location: The Silent Task Force, 11410 Renton Avenue South, Seattle, WA, 98178