$5M Affordable Housing - Open RFP

The Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is tracking the $5 million set aside for Skyway affordable housing projects out of the larger Housing Community Development Fund (HCD Fund). Once that fund is determined, a clearer path will be made.

  • Timeline:

    • DCHS is designing a procurement process that aligns with the intended use and language within the budget. They are expecting to offer funds separately from the annual Capital Funding round and are currently identifying eligible and flexible funds to support desired affordable housing outcomes for the community. Through the second quarter of this year, they will be

      1. Determining the scope of the funds, informed by feedback from a planned April 10th community meeting on the Anti-Displacement draft recommendations and,

      1. Gathering status of all known/potential development projects.

    • We will continue to update as we get new information.

For updates, check the King County ‘Skyway Project Updates’ page HERE.


Redistricting King County District 2/Legislative 37 


Just Futures